27 Sep 2023 The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary PDF Download Free | The Hindu Vocab PDF | द हिंदू वोकेबुलरी पीडीएफ | Daily Hindu Editorial Vocabulary For SSC and Banking Examinations |

Mr Dhananjay
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27 Sep 2023 The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary PDF Download Free | The Hindu Vocab PDF | द हिंदू वोकेबुलरी पीडीएफ | Daily Hindu Editorial Vocabulary For SSC and Banking Examinations |

Table of Contents (toc)

1. INCREDULITY (noun) : शक

Meaning: a state of uncertainty or hesitation.

Synonyms: disbelief, incredulity, unbelief
Antonyms: assurance, belief, certainty

Sentence: He stared down the street in incredulity.

2. FINESSE (noun) : चालाकी

Meaning: intricate and refined delicacy.

Synonyms: skill, subtlety, expertise
Antonyms: inadequacy, incompetence, ineptitude

Sentence: He is a true believer, but sadly lacks finesse.

3. GLUM (adj.) : उदास

Meaning: looking or feeling dejected; morose.

Synonyms: bleak, sad, depressed
Antonyms: cheerful, cheery, bright

Sentence: You look glum What’s up?

4. STEALTHY (adj.) : गुप्त

Meaning: behaving, done, or made cautiously and surreptitiously, so as not to be seen or heard.

Synonyms: furtive, secretive, secret
Antonyms: public, open

Sentence: Cats are among the stealthiest of stalkers.

5. RECLAMATION (noun) : उद्धार

Meaning: the process of claiming something back or of reasserting a right.

Synonyms: recovery, recapture, retrieval
Antonyms: loss, misplacement

Sentence: Pumped water out of the field as part of the land reclamation program designed to provide farmers with more farmland.

6. PURITANICAL (adj.) : सख़्त

Meaning: practicing or affecting strict religious or moral behavior.

Synonyms: moralistic, pietistic, prudish
Antonyms: permissive, prurient

Sentence: His puritanical parents saw any kind of pleasure as the road to damnation.

7. VAUNT (verb) : अपनी बड़ाई करना

Meaning: boast about or praise (something), especially excessively.

Synonyms: boast, brag, pride
Antonyms: belittle, underrate

Sentence: Even the noblest of fellows have been known to vaunt a bit.

8. CONDONE (verb) : माफ करना

Meaning: accept and allow (behavior that is considered morally wrong or offensive) to continue.

Synonyms: deliberately ignore, disregard, take no notice of
Antonyms: heed, mark, mind

Sentence: The state does not condone violence.

9. CURSORY (adj.) : जल्दबाजी

Meaning: hasty and therefore not thorough or detailed.

Synonyms: perfunctory, desultory, casual
Antonyms: deliberate, unhurried, unrushed

Sentence: He put aside the papers after a cursory study.

10. DISSIMILITUDE (noun) : विभिन्नता

Meaning: dissimilarity or diversity.

Synonyms: dissimilarity, difference, variance
Antonyms: alikeness, similarity, likeness

Sentence: There’s a real dissimilitude between literature and film, and a critic shouldn’t evaluate one in terms of the other.

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